
Basic Multifocal

No more blured pixels.

Annex multifokal

Annex lenses are the ideal solution for computer users. These lenses offer a wide visual field for near vision in the lower part of the lens transiting to wide visual field for intermediate vision at the top of the lens.

Users get spacious and clear vision for workspace which includes the area of the keyboard or materials that are read through the monitor to 3m.

Adaptable, wide field of view and smooth transitions of Annex lenses allows the user easy and quick adaption.

How to order Annex lenses:

Please provide the prescription for near vision and type of digression (see below).

• Type A - recommended for user younger then 50 age.

• Type B - recommended for user older then 50 age.

Ideal solution for computer users.

Basic line™ and Annex™ are trademarks of Pol Optic